keskiviikko 29. heinäkuuta 2009

Kääpiöbulleja odotellessa / waiting for new minis

Bullbugbear's Puuteri on tukevasti tiine! Uusi pentulaatikko on vähemmän kiinnostava tällä hetkellä - "emännän/kätilön" varavuode sen sijaan on oiva paikka pienelle rentoutumiselle...

Bullbugbear's Puuteri is pregnant! Well done Conner :) New whelping box is not so interesting then "midwife's" spare bed, which is excellent place for chill out..

sunnuntai 19. heinäkuuta 2009

Bullcamp 2009

This year's Bullcamp was blessed with excellent weather! Sun was shining nearly through the night :) We had friends from Lithuania Kristina and Ed, from Norway Mary and Sindre, Päivi, Tonje and Marius. As well our "mini"bullfriends Katja, Essi and Jenni. We had wonderful time together and it was so nice to meet you and have great time together! You are warmly welcome next year's Bullcamp..and naturally before that as well ;)
Here some photos of the Bullcamp and Oulu's int show, which did very well. Mary got two CIB titles and one Fi ch as well. Both days we were best breeder group, and saturday Pertti (Bullbugbear's Mulperi) was BOB and sunday he was 2nd best male. Bullbugbear's Peeveli was on saturday 2nd best male. Our girls Elsi and Mimmi was this time rewarded with "very good" and game over with that color ribbon. Our miniature bullterriers got excellent results on both days: Pipari was BOS on both days with cacib and CC, Onni (Bullbugbear's Pilsneri) was BOB with CC & cacib on saturday and on sunday he was 2nd best male with reserve-CC and reserve-cacib.

lauantai 11. heinäkuuta 2009

Elsin kanssa Kemissä / With Elsi at Kemi's national all breed show

Olipas mukavaa olla Elsin kanssa ihan vaan kahdestaan näyttelyssä. Tuomarina oli Helge Lie Norjasta ja Elsistä "leivottiin" tyttöjen paras, kera eka sertin ja VSP-tittelin tällä kertaa.

It was fun to be at dog show with only one dog :) Judge was Helge Lie from Norway. Elsi (Bullbugbear's Swinging Chelsy) was BOS with CC.

lauantai 4. heinäkuuta 2009

Uusi CIB & SE Mva / Fresh CIB and SE Ch !

Piteån kansainvälisessä näyttelyssä VSP Fi & No Mva Bullbugbear's Pippuli on nyt myös Ruotsin muotovalio sekä vahvistusta vaille Kansainvälinen muotovalio! Hyvä Peppi ja kotijoukot !

At Piteå's International dogshow BOS Fi & No Ch Bullbugbears' Pippuli is now also Swedish champion and C.I.B , that title needs to be confirmed by FCI! Well done Peppi and home crew!